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Winning Steviala shop review - June 2024

Irene from Culemborg wins the shop review of June 2024! Will you win the shop review of July 2024? Write a nice review on!

"I like to eat healthy, sugars are poison for my body. The delicious products from Steviala ensure that I can occasionally add a sweet touch to my food, without the negative effects of sugar. So happy that I discovered this website. My favorites: Pure Passion and Caramel (syrup substitutes), the stevia Kristal sugar substitute and stevia frost. Also a few products that I want to try."

Winning Steviala product review - June 2024

Dieter Dermont wins the product review of June 2024! Will you win the product review of July 2024? Then quickly go to the Steviala webshop and review one or more products of your choice!

Dark Chocolate Melties: "Delicious dark chocolate and the thin slices make them easy to dose. Delicious for baking or just plain in your mouth."

Winning Steviala recipes review - June 2024

Erik Stel wins the recipes review of June 2024! Will you win the recipes review of Juli 2024? Then quickly go to the Steviala webshop and review one or more recipes of your choice!

Sugar-free caramel cheesecake: "I took the base of the raspberry cheesecake (with a hint of cinnamon) and also the method for the raspberry cheesecake (including baking times) with the ingredients of the caramel cheesecake. That is simpler and the taste was very good! "

Win €125 with reviews!

By writing reviews on both (shop review) and (product review) and our recipes page (recipes review), you help us and all other customers make a good choice. You can win a total of €125 store credit. Every month we choose the winners.


Melissa & Melanie