Sugarfree Schwarzwalder Kirsch cake in a glass
Spoil your father this year on Father's Day with a delicious treat: Sugarfree Schwarzwalder Kirsch cake in a glass! This perfect recipe is a healthier version of the classic Schwarzwalder Kirsch cake, without added sugar. The cake is built layer by layer in glasses, with layers of sugarfree chocolate cake with amaretto liqueur, cherry sauce, and MonChou filling for a delightful taste. These individual treats are not only delicious but also beautifully presented. Make this sugarfree Schwarzwalder Kirsch cake in a glass and ensure an unforgettable Father's Day for your father!
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Schwarzwalder Kirsch chocolate cake
- this recipe for low carb chocolate cupcakes
- optional: 50 ml Amaretto liquor or Steviala Amaretto drops to taste
Sugarfree MonChou layer
- 200 ml whipping cream
- 100 grams MonChou cream cheese
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 30 grams Steviala Frost
- optional: gelatin in powderform
Sugarfree cherry sauce
- 300 grams cherries
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 50 grams Steviala Kristal Sweet
- 1 tablespoon cornstarch
Baking supplies
- 2 glasses
- round baking dish or cupcake mould
- mixing bowl
- electric handmixer or kitchen aid
- icing bag with nozzle
- saucepan
- spatula
Making the sugarfree chocolate cake layer
First, start by making the chocolate cake layer for this sugarfree Schwarzwalder Kirsch cake. For this, we'll use this recipe for sugarfree chocolate cupcakes. You'll need about 2 cupcakes per glass. So, if you're making two glasses, you can halve the cupcake recipe as it makes 8 cupcakes. Let the chocolate cupcakes cool completely. Then crumble the sugarfree cupcakes and add 50 ml of amaretto liqueur or Steviala amaretto drops. Set this aside.
Making the sugarfree MonChou filling
Meanwhile, you can start working on the MonChou filling for this sugarfree Schwarzwalder Kirsch cake. First, whip the cream until stiff peaks form. Then add the MonChou cream cheese, vanilla extract, Steviala Frost, and optionally the gelatin powder. Mix this until smooth and spoon it into an icing bag with a nozzle. Place it in the refrigerator until you need it again.
Making the sugarfree cherry sauce
Lastly, you'll make the cherry sauce. Use frozen cherries for this. Add them to a saucepan and let them slowly simmer over medium-high heat. Also, add the lemon juice and Steviala Kristal Sweet and mix well. In a separate bowl or glass, mix the cornstarch or arrowroot powder with a splash of water until dissolved. Then pour this into the cherries while stirring continuously until the sauce thickens. Let the sugarfree cherry sauce cool completely. Now you can proceed to assemble the sugarfree Schwarzwalder Kirsch cake in a glass.
Assembling the sugarfree Schwarzwalder Kirsch cake in a glass
Now it's time to prepare the glasses. Do this just before you're ready to serve this delicious sugarfree dessert. That's when it's the tastiest! Start with a layer of crumbled chocolate cake. Add a layer of cherry sauce on top. Then pipe a layer of the MonChou mixture. Repeat these layers 3 times. Finish it off with a dollop of the MonChou filling and a fresh cherry. Enjoy!
Nutritional values per portion
- Calorieën: 522
- Carbohydrates: 15.1
- Fats: 46.5
- Proteins: 10.7