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Low carb maple mousse
Low carb maple mousse

Low carb maple mousse

Preparation time: 10 min.
Refrigerator: 3 h.
4 glasses

Looking for an easy and delicious mousse recipe? Then this recipe for low carb maple mousse is for you! With just a few ingredients, fill four glasses with this mousse. Season the mousse with Steviala Magical Maple syrup substitute for maple syrup. This is Steviala's newest syrup substitute without added sugars or sweeteners. Replace traditional maple syrup with Steviala Magical Maple and you really won't miss the real thing. So delicious!

Top it off with your favorite toppings and feasting is guaranteed!

Did you make this recipe too? And are you as enthusiastic as we are? Let us know via social media!


Low carb maple mousse

  • 250 ml whipped cream
  • 50 grams Steviala Frost powdered sugar substitute
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 50 ml Steviala Magical Maple syrup substitute
  • opitonal: whipped cream stiffener or gelatin

Baking supplies

  • mixing bowl
  • electric hand mixer or food processor
  • spatula
  • 4 glasses


Making low carb maple mousse

Making this low carb maple mousse is super easy. First, start by whipping the whipping cream until it is lumpy. Then add the Steviala Frost powdered sugar substitute, vanilla extract and Steviala Magical Maple. Then continue beating the whipped cream to stiff peaks. Use whipped cream stiffener or gelatin (powder) to stiffen the mousse, if necessary. Then place the low carb maple mousse in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

Next, scoop the low carb maple mousse into a piping bag with a nozzle. Then fill 4 glasses with the low carb mousse. Then finish the glass with extra Steviala Magical Maple and your favorite toppings.  That's going to be delicious!

Not a maple flavour fan? Then replace the Steviala Magical Maple with our other syrup substitutes, such as the Steviala Heavenly Dark butter caramel, Caramel Crush salted-caramel, Supreme Strawberry strawberry or Pure Passion passion fruit syrup substitutes.

Nutritional values per portion

  • Calorieën: 231
  • Carbohydrates: 2.5
  • Fats: 21.9
  • Proteins: 1.4
@steviala Koolhydraatarme maple mouse met Steviala Magical Maple stroopvervanger voor ahorn siroop zonder toegevoegde suikers of zoetstoffen ?? #steviala #mousse #maple #ahornsiroop #koolhydraatarm #suikervrij #slagroom ? original sound - heyy

What others say

  • Te zoeter

    Written by Fatima on 28-01-2023
    Ik vind deze te zoeter ik zou volgende keer wat minder frost en iets smaak druppels bij..