Sugar free low carb churros
Sugar free low carb churros with chocolate dip, who wouldn't want that?! With this recipe, you can make the most delicious low carb churros! And what should never be missing with churros? Exactly, chocolate sauce! And Steviala has just launched a new chocolate topping! Steviala Oh' Choc! is a chocolate topping based solely on steviol glycosides. Furthermore, you can then use this chocolate topping as a topping for waffles, pancakes, poffertjes, and as a chocolate dip for churros!
Sugar free low carb churros
- 150 ml water
- 50 grams Steviala 2 Sweet
- 50 grams butter
- A pinch salt
- 10 grams arrowroot powder
- 25 grams Steviala coconut flour
- 150 grams almond flour
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 5 ml of vanilla extract
- 2 eggs
- Oil for frying
Sugar free chocolate dip
- 30 grams of Steviala Oh' Choc! chocolate topping
Baking supplies
- Saucepan
- Wooden spoon
- Large pan or deep fryer
- Icing bag with a nozzle
- Optional: oven
Making sugar free low carb churros
First, start by making the churros batter. Then take a saucepan and bring the water, Steviala 2 Sweet, butter, and vanilla extract to a boil. Once it boils, turn off the heat. Then, add the arrowroot powder, Steviala almond flour, Steviala coconut flour, cinnamon, and a pinch of salt. Then stir with a wooden spoon until it forms a thick batter. At last, let the batter cool for a while. Then, add the eggs one by one and stir them into the batter.
Next, transfer the churros batter into an icing bag with a nozzle. Then set it aside for now.
Then, heat the oil in a deep pan. But make sure it doesn't get too hot, or the churros will burn. Once the oil is hot enough, pipe the batter into the hot oil from above. Then make churros of about 10 cm in length. Fry the churros for about 5 minutes. Then, let them cool on kitchen paper.
Meanwhile, slowly heat the Steviala Oh' Choc! chocolate topping to 30 degrees Celsius. You can do this in the microwave (stir the Oh' Choc! every 10 seconds) or using the double boiler method.
Finally, serve the sugar free and low carb churros with some Steviala Frost (Cinnamon or Vanilla) and dip them into the warm chocolate topping. Enjoy!
Nutritional values per portion
- Calorieën: 265
- Carbohydrates: 3.6
- Fats: 23.5
- Proteins: 8.5
What others say
Lijkt nog niet een beetje op de gewone churros
Written by Maureen on 28-02-2024Smaakt echt heel anders dan de gewone churros. Substantie is echt heel vies en valt uit elkaar in je mond. Ze verbranden erg snel al zie je dat niet ze smaken dan echt heel vies verbrand. Je kunt dus niet op de goudgele kleur afgaan.